
March 25, 2013

Lessons Learned

What is the point in trying to be like someone else? Don’t we all want someone to love us for who we are and the things that make us that way? Over time, I have come to realize that there were things that Austin did not like about me that someone else will love. For example, he hated that I didn’t hunt. This “country girl” (raised in the city) is an animal lover; nonetheless, I was perfectly fine with him going hunting. I mean, it was his thing that he had grown up doing and enjoyed more than anything. For me, on the other hand, not so much. He would compare me to other girls that hunted all the time and never left Preble County. I wasn’t “country” enough for him anymore and I wasn’t about to change just to please him. I am who I am whether someone likes it or not. Someday, some guy will love me for everything that he didn’t. I refuse to change who I am to make someone else happy. I’m independent, out-spoken, and most definitely one of a kind. Lesson learned: Be your own person and be proud of it.

These days, good people are hard to come by, let alone good friends. Family on the other hand, and family friends, will always have your back no matter what. My mom has two best friends that I have known all of my life and they are like my friends. I can talk to them about anything and when they are around, I have a great time. I’ve noticed that when I hang out with the friends that I had while Austin and I were together, I think about him and all of our memories more than I should, and it’s hard to have a good time. When I hang out with my “old” friends (from my previous school where I spent 3rd through 10th grade), I don’t think about him at all and it’s just like the good old days. I had so much fun spending time with old friends this week and it made me realize that even when people change, some things don’t change (the real you). Lesson learned: Surround yourself with the right people.
I have learned the hard way time after time, to not believe what someone is telling you simply because it’s what you want to hear. Everyone lies. Promises aren’t kept and just set you up for disappointment. People change. Feelings change. There’s nothing you can do about it but accept it and move on. Don’t depend on anyone. That way, when they leave, nothing is really lost. Trust yourself to make the right decisions because nobody else will make them for you. Don’t let yourself get attached to people. Every single person that has walked into my life has walked right back out. After 18 years, you get used to being alone and being independent. Putting your trust in someone is the number one way to get hurt. Lesson learned: Trust no one. The less you care, the happier you’ll be.

When you find something that you are passionate about, it makes you happy or soothes you no matter what else is going on in your life. For me, riding my quad makes all my worries and struggles disappear. While I ride, I don’t really think about anything except the wind on my face and the vibration through my body. The rush of adrenaline takes me away. If I could ride every single day, I would, but this crazy Ohio weather makes it impossible. Every time we get even a hint of sunshine, I get anxious to ride then BAM! An hour later Mother Nature goes just kidding, here comes a blizzard and all hope for riding is long gone. Lesson learned: Find your passion and make time for it. Ohio weather blows!
Most importantly, no matter what happens, no matter how miserable you feel, no matter how much you want to give up, in three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life; it goes on.


  1. Love this! The only one I don't agree 100% about is the one about trusting... I do think in time it will be worth your while to trust and care again. Right now it makes sense to guard your heart and have some protective walls up, but don't keep them up forever. Let people in - just make sure they are the right ones! Love you Alex! :) xoxo

  2. You are wise beyond your years young lady. I have enjoyed reading all your post and getting a glimpse into your mind. Your first heartbreak will teach you many things but don't let it harden you. Our hearts are meant to be shared with others and even if they hurt us there is always a lesson to be learned from it. Every experience in life helps to mold and shape us into better people. Enjoy your life and keep an open mind and heart whatever is meant to be will be (good or bad).

  3. Pouring your heart out Alex. How open you are, a burdensome stance for a sensitive young woman. I urge you to rethink, "Lesson learned: Trust no one. The less you care, the happier you’ll be." While apathy provides a temporary emotional refuge, in reality it is a vacuum, and all that is great in you will be sucked away. I, for one, would mourn the loss.
