
March 17, 2013

Blogger's Block

What do you blog about when there is what seems like a million different thoughts, scrambling through your mind?

Oh blogger’s block, blogger’s block,
Why can’t I stop staring at this retched clock?
There’s so much to do, I have so much to say,
I feel like Mad Hatter, I just want to get away.
I’m losing my mind, I’m getting no sleep,
I lay in this bed, but count no sheep.
Should I write about the future, or the past that still haunts me,
I break from time to time, but there’s still hope I plea.
I feel lost in my words, nothing makes sense,
I stand so tall, yet I can’t climb this fence.
I could tell you how happy I am, filled with excitement and joy,
But I’m hurt and in pain, over some stupid boy.
It’s like a knife in my heart, the ache is so real,
He keeps turning the blade, I just don’t want to feel.
I tell myself I’ll be okay, it’s not as bad as it seems,
But how can I erase someone, who’s living in my dreams?
I’m filled with hatred, yet show endless love and care,
But how could you love someone, who isn’t even there?
I’m ready to let go, I want to move on,
This is my race now, I have the baton.
I will win this battle, I will fight this war,
Hope is of the essence, I will give up no more.
I’m strong and independent, tall is where I stand,
I’m the main event, and he’s just with the band.
I’m going to go places, further than the eye can see,
I’m ready to live my life now, I’m ready to just do me.

Growing up, whenever I could not figure out what I wanted to say or could not get my thoughts in order I would write poems that transformed into deep explanation as to what was really on my mind. I love writing poetry and feel so much better when I am done. I could continue to write for hours upon hours. The words just flow off my fingertips. Sometimes, when I read my poetry back to myself I rap it because that’s all rap is, poetry.
What do you do when you get blogger’s block?


  1. "I’m ready to live my life now, I’m ready to just do me."

    "UMMA DO ME, EHHHH!" -Rocko

    Very creative post, Grubbs. I was expecting something much different when I read the title, but instead, you delivered with a poem of awesomeness.

  2. Love it! I am an expert at bloggers' block - I feel like I'm blocked more than I'm blogging. But I've never tried the poetry route. Maybe I will! Thanks, grrl! :)
