
March 11, 2013


Although this heart of mine has been through hell and back within the last couple of weeks, life decided to take a turn for the better when I got to experience my all-time favorite artist, P!nk, perform right before my eyes. P!nk has always been a huge inspiration to me and her songs have truly helped me get through some rough times in the past. Her carefree attitude is what I envy the most. She hasn’t always had it easy but she looks past her struggles and lives life every day to the fullest, simply doing whatever makes her happy and having fun. P!nk has taught me to be whoever I want to be and do whatever I want to do and to not give other people so much as even a second thought because no one else’s opinions matter but my own. Her music has helped me quite a bit through this break up, especially the song “So What,” which she performed while doing acrobats and flying all over the room. I am so extremely grateful to have gotten to see her perform live. It was the happiest I have been in a very long time.

P!nk’s tour is for her new album, “The Truth About Love.” Honestly, I was afraid a few of her songs might bring tears to my eyes seeing as how I’m simply a ball of emotions right now but it did just the opposite. Her songs are about being independent and never giving up, which is the key reason as to why I love her music so much. P!nk was very comical throughout her concert which was, of course to be expected, but I mean her humor was relatable and I loved it. Someone from the VIP section threw fuzzy pajama shorts on stage to her and she picked them up, held them to her waist, and told them that they weren’t getting those shorts back. It was absolutely hilarious. By the end of her concert I had the “screw it,” kind of attitude I had been longing for and it made me realize that P!nk and I would make the world’s best set of best friends anyone has ever seen and that making her realize that, as unrealistic as it is, would be a dream come true.
The concert ticket was my Christmas present from my amazing mother, who accompanied me at the concert along with our close friends, Lara and Eric. I was so happy to have my mom there with me to experience P!nk’s awesomeness. As you read in my last post, my mom is my best friend. I literally wish I could stuff her in my purse and take her everywhere I go. Lara and Eric have been my mom’s best friends for several years now and are like my second parents. They live in Columbus and have very exciting, fulfilling lifestyles so visiting them is always a blast. I am actually considering moving in with them for the summer to experience something new and different. I need change in my life and frankly, this town has become a real downer.
Anyway, things are getting better. My heart is healing slowly, but surely. I try my best to stay positive and tell myself that great things are coming my way. I break down now and then but I’m only human. Soon enough the carefree attitude will once again come back to me and happiness will no longer be questionable. Maybe then, P!nk and I can become best friends and do everything together. A crazy fan can dream, right? Although, I think my mom does quite an amazing job at filling the role of my best friend. It’s because of her I had such an amazing spring break.


  1. It's good to see you're feeling better! You're much stronger than I could ever be and that's very admirable. And it's good that you have someone there for you. Your mom sounds like a good person!
    Your love for P!nk sounds like my love for Ed Sheeran. Not only do I like his music, but I like his attitude as well. Although he's famous, he's very modest and has been known to ride trains by himself to his own concerts.

    1. Thank you! It's been hard but I've come farther then I ever thought I could. I have more and more hope as each day goes by. I wouldn't be this far if it wasn't for my mom, she is an amazing person and owe her the world! :)
      Ed Sheeran sounds like a cool dude. I think that's totally awesome that he rides a train by himself to his own concerts. It makes sense. Good way to clear your mind lol. Thanks for the feedback though. :)

  2. I have always loved p!nk for as long as I can remember and your strong bond with your family and friends is something that I can relate to. I really like your blog because it is personable and I often find myself nodding my head or agreeing with the things that you talk about.
    I am glad that you are doing better and I am glad that you had an awesome spring break doing something you enjoy!

  3. I really enjoy reading your blog. It's very relatable and personable as well. I'm glad you're doing well and it's really cool that your mom is your best friend, I'm really close with my mom as well.

  4. I love Pink's voice, her talent is simply remarkable. One of my blogs is actually over her song "Try" which is my favorite song off of this album. I'm completely jealous that you got to go see her in concert but I am glad the experience helped your healing process. Continue on that path, times does help to heal. And continue the honesty and openness of your posts, Good job

  5. The infamous mama Grubbs and Pink, eh? Nice. Every one of your posts contains your personality and that's what's great about them. Don't change that. It makes it very easy for the reader to get a sense of the "personality behind the pen," if you will.

    I'm glad that you're feeling better. Next time, can we get less pictures? JOKING. The pictures are great and if anything, you should have included some from the performance!

    1. Good ol' Stewardo, thank you for the compliments. Unfortanetly the pictures I took of her performance weren't that good of quality because I was so far away. I did however want to upload a video I took but it wouldn't let me.. Always a pleasure though. :)

  6. Awesome post, I'm glad that you had such a great time seeing Pink. I know the feeling of seeing your favorite artist live, there's nothing else quite like it. I enjoy your writing style, you articulate what you feel really well (that's not an easy thing to do). Great post, and awesome pictures.

  7. Awwwww *dancing* we made the blog, we made the blog! So glad you had such an awesome time... what an unforgettable performance and super fun night it was! True story - when I was your age, I used to dream about Madonna being my best friend. Amazing how alike we are - back in my day she was the icon for female strength and individuality and personal power. Pink is a fabulous role model, you can't go wrong there! Then again, your mom is even better. ;)

  8. Grubbs -
    Your strength in the situation is admirable. The "human" aspect really seeps through all your blog posts, and I believe it's easy for everybody (especially those who've been through similar scenarios) to connect. It's extremely honest and personal and I think it's great that you are able to reveal online. I like the picture placements and quality of the images, they always relate to what's going on in the post.

  9. Feedback:
    My favorite part about your blog is that although I don't know you very well, I feel like I'm getting to know you through your writing. I feel that anyone could read your blog and relate in some way and that's a strong quality to have in your writing. Keep it up!
    Constructive criticism:
    Watch your comma usage and AP. Other than that, it's great!

  10. great post! Glad you got to go see P!nk perform. what i really liked most about the post is i could tell you were excited while writing it so it made me more excited to read. I dont know if i can relate to the genre of music but i can definitely relate to being inspired by music. nice job!

  11. I like reading your blog Alex. It is an opportunity for me to relive some of the memories (good and bad) from my past. It takes a special kind of courage to disclose such personal feelings and I applaud you for it. Your perspective and feelings help me to better understand my kids-they are just a bit older than you. I don't know much about P!nk, but I prefer her over Lady GaGa in her meat dress.

  12. There's a lot of smiling going on in these photos, and I like it. I really enjoyed reading about the great time you had the concert. It's amazing how powerful live music can be. That's really captured in your writing. I remember when I was going through a rough period with depression, and I went to a Bob Dylan concert. It was probably the 5th or 6th time I had seen him live, but for some reason this particular show floored me. It was as close to a religious experience as I've ever had. The song wasn't even relatable on a personal level, but it was the 1st time I heard it live and the power was so strong. Pretty awesome that you got something similar, and with a singer you relate with so much. Good news!

  13. This post was very easy to connect to. Everyone has gone through a broken heart and there's always something that helps us get through it, much like your P!nk concert. It was good to hear how someone else experienced such an event and it's also good to hear your healing, no matter how slow. I really love your voice in this. It comes through very strongly and you can tell that these are truly your thoughts and not just something that you're saying because you think it sounds good. I noticed a few grammar errors, but nothing major. Just do a quick proof read and you'll be good.
