
February 25, 2013

Family is Key

I’m doing better. I’m getting used to the feeling that it’s all real. Don’t get me wrong, the intense pain in my heart is still there and stronger than ever but I’m growing accustomed to it. I know no one will ever be able to replace the fiery passion I had for him and the “first love” bond we shared but I also know that I can’t keep sitting around hoping that our paths will cross again. I’m letting go, I’m moving on. Trying to anyway...

To help keep my mind astray from the unpreventable, I went on a road trip to Florence, Kentucky to visit with my dad and brothers. My outgoing sense of humor stems from my father. He is obnoxiously loud in public and by far, the funniest person I know. When I was little, we would be pulling into a store and I remember telling him very clearly, “Alright dad, don’t embarrass me when we go in here.” He would chuckle to himself and promise me he wouldn’t. But wouldn’t you know it, as soon as we entered the store he’d randomly shout obnoxious things to embarrass me and although I couldn’t control my laughter my face would always turn blood shot red from utter humiliation. One time when we went to the dollar store he got in an "argument” with the clerk asking why everything wasn’t all ringing up a dollar if the title of the store clearly says dollar store. The clerk couldn’t tell whether to take his stupidity seriously or just laugh it off. Meanwhile, I’m just standing there laughing my butt off. I’m almost positive the clerk was scarred and told the story of the big, ignorant man questioning why everything in the dollar store wasn’t a dollar. Can you blame her?
Anyway, my brothers are my world. Although I don’t get to see them that often because they live with their mom and they can be big pains in the tush, I love them very much. Dylan is 14 and Jack is 10, so you can understand how those ages would explain the whole “pains in my tush part.” All jokes aside, my dad impregnated another woman after his divorce and I got to meet my new baby sister, Karrie Ann Grubbs. She is absolutely beautiful. Never in my life did I imagine I would ever have a sister, but hey, I got one now.
I had a great time visiting with my family and as much as I didn’t want to leave, duties call. So back home then off to Wal-Mart I went.
The one person that has been there for me every step of the way, who I couldn’t thank enough for everything that she has done, is my mom. She is my best friend, role model, inspiration, and therapist. She is what gets me through each and every day. I don’t know where I’d be or what I’d do without her. She is my rock. I love her with all my heart and just hope to be remotely close to such an amazing person and mom as she is someday. I could go on for days explaining all the wonderful things my mom does for me but I’m afraid after a while you will want to find her and claim her as your own to experience first-hand her awesomeness. Let me just tell you something, that ain’t happenin!
I am so blessed to have such a supportive, loving family that is always there for me. I can’t express enough my deep appreciation for them. I may have a unique family full of whack-jobs and crazy people but I wouldn’t trade them for the world. To the left is my step-dad, Randy, my aunt, Kelli, and my mom, Brenda. They have all helped me grow as a person and I couldn't be more thankful for having them to come home to everyday.
Do you have any crazy or “abnormal” family members? Feel free to share the bizarre stories that lie beneath the smiles of those in your family photos.


  1. Great article, Grubbs!

    My dad is a big jokester. He's very upfront and certainly not shy. Every time we go out to eat, or wherever, he always has to be joking around. For instance, sometimes he'll read his menu in ridiculous accents lol. That's just my paps, though!

  2. This was a really wonderful, warm post. It's really great that you have such a supportive, loving family. Not everybody has that in their life. I agree it's a fortunate situation when you can always turn to family. It's great to hear someone take time to acknowledge that of their own family once in a while. Great news. My dad has always had the gift (ability) to embarrass me at the drop of a hat. It makes his day.

  3. Love this one! Now this is the positive, uplifting Alex we know and love! Keep focusing on all that is good in your life, darlin - there is a ton. Love you and so glad to be part of your extended family! You know you are always welcome in Columbus anytime. And yes, my family is totally nuts too - how else would I have turned out this awesome!? xoxo

    1. Thanks Lara! That means so much! I am so glad to have you, zoe, and eric as part of my family as well. I couldn't be more thankful! :)
